On the 25th of January the meeting of Model River Project Working group took place. This meeting actually marked the start-up of the project. The main objective of the project is to show how to implement sustainable management of fish resources on the example of the river Mezen. The project plan for 3 years as […]
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2011-01-31 16:28:582017-05-15 16:30:12Model River Project Starts its Operation
Representatives of Silver Taiga Foundation have investigated the territory of Koigorodok pristine forest massif which was reserved for National park in 2009 by Ministry of natural resources of Russia.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-28 18:31:182017-05-13 18:37:14One More National Park in the Komi Republic
At the meeting held on December 24, 2010 in the State Forestry Service of the Komi Republic the issue of forestry units’ certification has been discussed.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-28 18:27:472017-05-13 18:29:01Audit of Forestry Units will be held in March
This was the topic of the workshop-meeting of the representatives of rural youth, which took place on the 17 – 19th of December in the village Spasporub within the framework of Forest village project.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-28 17:49:582017-05-17 17:52:17Local Initiative – Way for Solving the Problem
The 4th Global Forum of Model Forests will be held in March 2011 in Spain (see http://www.globalforum2011.net). The representatives of the current Russian Model Forests will take part in this event.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-28 15:28:002017-05-22 15:28:53Komi Model Forest will be Represented at Global Forum held in Spain
Irina Andriyevskaya, the head of Voldino settlement, took part in a civil forum “Territorial public self-administration as the basis for local growth”, which was held last week in Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region. Nikolai Anufriyev, the delegate from Izhma district and the part-time student of Komi Academy of Public Administration and Management, also took part in the […]
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-06 17:46:252017-08-15 15:16:51Territorial Public Self-Administration as the Basis for Local Growth
PDF version of the booklet “Guidelines for conservation of biodiversity during logging in the Komi Republic” is available among the project documents (in Russian).
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-12-02 18:39:492017-05-13 18:42:11Guidelines for Conservation of Biodiversity during Logging in the Komi Republic
Within the framework of Forest Village Project a group of businessmen and village deputies visited Tomsk region to get acquainted with successful experience of its residents in development of mushroom and berry economics.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-11-30 17:43:142017-05-17 17:45:23Mushroom and Berry Industry in Tomsk is Developing for the Villagers’ Benefit
Within the framework of Forest Village project a touristic route called “Following Pitirim Sorokin” was developed. The guest house in the village Koni, which belongs to this route, is already functioning.
/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.png00silver/wp-content/img/full_logo_eng.pngsilver2010-11-30 17:39:212017-05-17 17:41:33The Village Koni is Expecting Guests
Model River Project Starts its Operation
| «Model river «Mezen» project by silverOn the 25th of January the meeting of Model River Project Working group took place. This meeting actually marked the start-up of the project. The main objective of the project is to show how to implement sustainable management of fish resources on the example of the river Mezen. The project plan for 3 years as […]
One More National Park in the Komi Republic
| «High Conservation Value Forests» project by silverRepresentatives of Silver Taiga Foundation have investigated the territory of Koigorodok pristine forest massif which was reserved for National park in 2009 by Ministry of natural resources of Russia.
Audit of Forestry Units will be held in March
| «High Conservation Value Forests» project by silverAt the meeting held on December 24, 2010 in the State Forestry Service of the Komi Republic the issue of forestry units’ certification has been discussed.
Local Initiative – Way for Solving the Problem
| «Forest Village» project by silverThis was the topic of the workshop-meeting of the representatives of rural youth, which took place on the 17 – 19th of December in the village Spasporub within the framework of Forest village project.
Komi Model Forest will be Represented at Global Forum held in Spain
| News by silverThe 4th Global Forum of Model Forests will be held in March 2011 in Spain (see http://www.globalforum2011.net). The representatives of the current Russian Model Forests will take part in this event.
Territorial Public Self-Administration as the Basis for Local Growth
| «Forest Village» project by silverIrina Andriyevskaya, the head of Voldino settlement, took part in a civil forum “Territorial public self-administration as the basis for local growth”, which was held last week in Koryazhma, Arkhangelsk region. Nikolai Anufriyev, the delegate from Izhma district and the part-time student of Komi Academy of Public Administration and Management, also took part in the […]
Guidelines for Conservation of Biodiversity during Logging in the Komi Republic
| «High Conservation Value Forests» project by silverPDF version of the booklet “Guidelines for conservation of biodiversity during logging in the Komi Republic” is available among the project documents (in Russian).
Mushroom and Berry Industry in Tomsk is Developing for the Villagers’ Benefit
| «Forest Village» project by silverWithin the framework of Forest Village Project a group of businessmen and village deputies visited Tomsk region to get acquainted with successful experience of its residents in development of mushroom and berry economics.
The Village Koni is Expecting Guests
| «Forest Village» project by silverWithin the framework of Forest Village project a touristic route called “Following Pitirim Sorokin” was developed. The guest house in the village Koni, which belongs to this route, is already functioning.