Entries by silver

The Forest of the Future – a Question of Today

The Silver Taiga Foundation has taken part in the international forum «Forests for the Future” held in the Podporozhsky district of the Leningrad region. The forum was devoted to sustainable forest management, forest regeneration, preservation and development of the traditional multipurpose forest use.

Meetings in Mezen

Silver Taiga representatives have visited the Mezen district of the Arkhangelsk region under Model River Mezen project. The aim of the visit was to establish contacts with the most remote Mezen villages, to meet with the local people and to get acquainted with their history and everyday life.

The Meeting of Silver Taiga Coordination Council

During the Skype meeting of Silver Taiga Coordination Council held on 24 February the members of the Council approved Silver Taiga Progress Report for 2014 and Working Plan for 2015. You can find these documents on our web site in the sections devoted to Working Plans and Progress Reports.

Collaboration in the interests of nature

Komi Regional Non-Profit Foundation “Silver Taiga” and Republican Operation Centre of the Protected Areas and Nature Management (“Center for SPNA”) have recently concluded an agreement on cooperation in the area of development of the specially protected natural areas network and promotion of ecological awareness.

Courses for the Logging Companies: Disputes Resolved in Practice

The Silver Taiga Foundation specialists are completing the first in this season educational courses – for the employees of OJSC “Mondi Syktyvkar” and its contractors. The courses are devoted to the certification according to the Forest Stewardship Council (FSC) scheme, and above all, fulfillment of the environmental requirements of the Russian National Standard of FSC […]

Following the Project Working Group’s Proposals

The outcomes of the past year and plans for 2015 were discussed at the next meeting of the Model River Mezen project Working group held in December. The information on the project implementation progress in 2014, delivered by the coordinators Nikolay Shuktomov and Valentina Semyаshkinа, was supplemented by other meeting participants.

Pupils Learn About the Mezen Ichthyofauna

At the seminar for the teachers of Biology, Chemistry, and Geography – members of the district methodological association – conducted on 10 December, the Director of the Vazhgort secondary school, biologist Irina Anatolyevna Klishch presented her author program, devoted to the ichthyofauna of the Mezen river and its tributaries.