Entries by silver

What shall be the Forest policy of Russia?

During the two-day roundtable meeting, which took place in Bekasovo near Moscow, representatives of 17 environmental and social NGOs discussed the draft of the Forest policy of Russia – a document designed to define the policy of our state in respect of forest and forest use for the next ten years. Together with NGOs from […]

River resource management is hindered by the lack of cooperation

Activities within the project “Fish resource management in cooperation with local population: Model River Mezen” are gradually spreading to the districts of the nearby Arkhangelsk region. At the end of February, representatives of the Project Working Group Albert Loginov, Udorsky municipal district Council deputy, and Silver Taiga Foundation Local Communities Project Manager Valentina Semyashkina visited […]

Model River Project is Close to the Rural Population

Silver Taiga representatives Przemyslaw Majewski (Director) and Valentina Semyashkina (Local Communities Project Manager) had a meeting with the representatives of AgroUdora Cooperative (Udora region of Komi) – population of Glotovo village – one of the oldest Komi settlements located along Mezen River. The meeting was held under Model River Mezen Project. The aim of the […]

Strengthening of Salmon Protection Should Have a Strong Public Support

Last summer the Silver Taiga Foundation jointly with the Federal Public Agency “Komi Basin Authority for Fisheries and Conservation of Aquatic Biological Resources” (FPA “KOMIRYBVOD”) and the agencies of the fishery inspection; with the participation of the researchers from Poland and from the Institute of Biology, Komi Scientific Center, Ural Branch, Russian Academy of Sciences […]

“Udora Region population as a key project participant”

This year Komi Regional Non-Profit Foundation “Silver Taiga” started implementation of the “Fish resources and local population – Model River Mezen” project. The objective of the project is restoration of fish resources with their further sustainable management. It’s clear from the title of the project that the river Mezen flowing through the Udora region has […]