Entries by silver

Students visited Komi villages

Students from Politovo Udora region, took part in an environmental areastudy expedition “Long Live Salmon”. Together with Dina Chuprova, the initiator of this event, just for a few summer days the students could work not only in their village, but in other places – Muchkas, Patrakovo, Latyug and Bolshaya Pyssa. The main goal of the […]

Udora region met Green Team

The environmental propaganda team called Green Team, which is organized by the staff of the Koslan Central Library within the Model River Mezen Project, visited seven locations in Udora region in August for two weeks. The creative team showed theatrical performance “Together for a Clean House” in villages Chernutyevo, Butkan, Ertom, Solnechnyi, Blagoevo and Usogorsk. […]

Need for interregional Mezen Salmon conservation program

The working group of the Model River Mezen Project has initiated the development of interregional program for the restoration and conservation of Atlantic salmon population in the basin of the Mezen River. The promotion of the conservation and restoration of salmon is an important part of this project. During this project Silver Taiga organized several field trips to the […]

Model river Mezen project Working group discussed the difficulties of sustainable river management organization

What is sustainable river management? How to establish such management? What hinders it? What problems do the users face? Discussion of these issues became the main topic of another meeting of the Model river Mezen project Working group, which took place on June 6. Przemyslaw Majewski, recent Director of the Silver Taiga Foundation and a […]

The teachers from Russian forest universities praised the experience of sustainable forest management in the Komi Republic

Russian modern forestry has some vexed problems – from the imperfections of the forest legislation and immature market relations to the depletion of forest resources and low efficiency to deal with forest fires. Obviously, it’s impossible to solve all forest issues quickly; the buildup of sustainable forestry in Russia will take years. One of the […]

Meetings in Leshukonye

In February representatives of the “Model river Mezen” project Working group made another trip to the Leshukonsky district of the Arkhangelsk region. Silver Taiga Foundation ecologist Nikolay Shuktomov, local communities coordinator Valentina Semyashkina, and the deputy of the Udorsky municipal district Council Albert Loginov participated in the meetings with the residents of the rural settlements […]