Entries by silver

The “Silver Taiga” Ecologists Will Assess a Long-term Logging Impact on the Water Resources

Last year, 2014, Komi Regional Non-Profit Foundation “Silver Taiga” started the implementation of a new project – “Assessment of a long-term logging impact on the water resources”. The project coordinator, Silver Taiga Foundation Director Yury PAUTOV, explains why the need for such project has emerged, tells about the challenges in its implementation, and its first […]

Vacancy of ECOLOGIST

Silver Taiga Foundation has announced a vacancy of ECOLOGIST. Requirements: Higher education in Biology, Ecology or Forestry, Geography; Field experience; Advanced computer user; Knowledge of the English language; Interest and motivation to the environmental activity; Teamwork ability; Experience in GIS is desirable. Please send your resume by e-mail at office@komimodelforest.ru until February 25, 2014. For […]

Letter to Father Frost

On New Year’s Eve the interregional environmental organization «SPOK» (Republic of Karelia), «Kola Biodiversity Conservation Center » (Murmansk region), «Silver Taiga Foundation» (Komi Republic), «Green Wave» (St. Petersburg), WWF Arkhangelsk and also Greenpeace Russia send a letter to the Father Frost whose home is situated in Veliki Ustyug (Vologda region of Russia). The environmental organizations […]


Happy 2014! Dear our Colleagues! We wish you only happiness and fortune in the coming New Year! May our joint projects be successful and useful for everyone!   Silver Taiga team

Forest Dialogue in Priluzje

The Forest Dialogue held in Objachevo (Priluzje district of Komi) was initiated by the administration of Priluzje district and Priluzje forestry unit. The urgent forest use issues were discussed during the Dialogue. Among the participants of the Dialogue “Forest relations: problems and ways out” were: the heads of the district Council and Administration, Priluzje and […]

Model River Mezen Project will Go On

The regular meeting of the Model River Mezen project Working Group took place on November, 22. It was devoted to 2013 working results and also to intermediate results of the first project stage and activity planning for the nearest future. Silver Taiga ecologist Nikolai Shuktomov informed the participants of the meeting about the results of […]

Salmon Breeding Area is under the Monitoring

The annual exploration expedition was held in the end of October. Among the participants of the expedition were: the representatives of Silver Foundation; Federal State Institution “Komirybvod”; Udora regional committee for environmental conservation; department for state control, monitoring and aquatic bioresources protection; indigenous people community “Udorachi” and a volunteer. This expedition was already the third one under […]

How to Manage the River Sustainably?

The workshop on methods of aquatic bioresources control and its practical use was held on October, 31st in Glotovo village (Udora district of Komi). Members of the local branch of «AgroUdora» cooperative participated in the workshop. As is known, the population of Glotovo village and near-by villages is combined into a cooperative and pursues a fishery […]

Three days of discussions and experience exchange have turned to be useful for each of the forest stakeholders

Local activists from forest districts of the Komi Republic (Priluzje, Udora and Kortkeros) together with the representatives of Silver Taiga Foundation took part in the training seminar organized by the Russian National FSC office in Ustja district of the Arkhangelsk region. The first day of the seminar was devoted to the introduction of sustainable forest […]