Entries by silver

Sustainable Development of Rural Areas – at the “Komi Voytyr” Conference

At the traditional annual “Komi voytyr” conference in the Udora district, held this year in the form of breakout meetings, followed by a plenary meeting, special attention was paid to the problem of sustainable development of rural areas – district villages and settlements. That was precisely the topic of one of the sections, conducted with […]

Socio-economic Aspects of FSC certification

A seminar on “FSC certification in the Komi Republic: socio-economic aspects” for the managers and specialists of the enterprises belonging to the timber industry and wood processing industry was held on 18 November at the congress hall of the Finno-Ugric ethno-park in the village Yb. The seminar was organized by the Ministry of Industrial Development […]

Vilhelmina Model Forest: Cooperation Continues

At the International conference devoted to the 10-year anniversary of the Vilhelmina Model Forests, situated in the province of Västerbotten in the north-west of Sweden, the Komi Model Forest was represented by the Silver Taiga Foundation Director Yury Pautov – the only Russian participant of the forum.

Aimed at Forest Use Improvement

A series of workshops for the logging companies and contractors of OJSC “Mondi Syktyvkar”, organized and conducted by the Silver Taiga Foundation specialists during the autumn months, has come to an end. Three educational seminars have been attended by about 50 people from different districts of the Komi Republic – all of them are involved […]

Projects Efficiency and Strategy for the Future

At another meeting of the Coordinating Council of the Silver Taiga Foundation held on September 25, the issues relevant for the foundation life and activity were considered and the strategy for the near future was discussed. The Coordinating Council is the supreme management body of the Silver Taiga Foundation and, according to its Charter, it […]

Salmon Monitoring: Theory and Practice

On the 24th of September, the Silver Taiga Foundation office hosted the seminar “Atlantic salmon monitoring experience”, aimed not only at the information exchange on the history and peculiarities of this species monitoring, but also an informational and methodological preparation of the potential participants of the annual monitoring expeditions carried out within the framework of […]