On February, 8-9 the round table meeting Possibilities of the Territorial Self-Government (TSG) and Participation of the Local Communities in the Forest and Other Renewable Natural Resources Management was held under WWF Russia support. The representatives of the public self-government, NGOs and local authorities from different districts of Komi participated in the event. Moscow expert Ivanna Lebedeva gave an advisory opinion to the rural activists.
– TSGs in Komi have been functioning for several years already. Generally, TSG projects deal with the development of the villages. This meeting we devoted to the environmental projects, rural tourism development and participation of the local population in the development of their territory using the natural potential, – says Valentina Semyashkina, Silver Taiga Deputy Director.
The participants of the meeting shared their experience, such as organization of a textile studio, cooperation with the certified logging company, arrangement of an ethno and sports festival, etc. Besides, Nikolay Shilov, Model River Mezen project coordinator, told about ArgoUdora Cooperative experience in Udora district.
During the second day of the event the participants tried to develop their own projects. Moscow expert explained how to define a problem and a goal of the project correctly, how to prepare a description of the project, what objectives should be of the first order, how to arrange a timetable and a budget of the project.
As a result four meaningful projects were developed: traditional handicraft workshops in Ust-Kulom and Priluzje districts; an ecological path and a rest area in Priluzje district; an ethnopath around 5 villages in Udora district; Pomozdino village history presentation (Ust-Kulom district).
According to Ivanna Lebedeva all these projects have a fair chance of financing but there should be an expert project monitoring to achieve a maximal result.
Presentation of the future projects