An Effective Platform for Introduction of GIS-technologies in the Forest Management
Silver Taiga specialists together with Tekhkarta ltd. representatives have conducted two four-day training workshops for Mondi Syktyvkar forest managers devoted to the basics of geoinformational systems (GIS) and the earth remote sensing (ERS) data to meet the FSC-certification requirements during forest use planning and management.
The given workshops are the continuation of the field courses held in Autumn 2014 devoted to the forest use planning on the landscape-ecological basis (goal – forest use development). Even at that courses most of the participants highly appreciated the ERS data opportunities and are ready to practice modern GIS-technologies.
It should be mentioned, that more than 60% of the workshops’ participants from different districts of Komi and Arkhangelsk regions have never practiced GIS-technologies in their everyday activities. That is why it was important not only to present these technologies but also to show their great opportunities in the field of forest management. Nowadays forest managers often use not actual materials and so they cannot define forest landscape in a proper way. As for satellite images they are more informative and give actual data not only on the given area but also on the adjacent territory. Some of the forest managers use GIS-navigators but most of them have no idea about processing of the images. This issue was also discussed during the workshop.
The basic information about GIS-systems and ERS data actual use was presented by Silver Taiga ecologist Nikolay Shuktomov. Another Silver Taiga ecologist and a GIS-specialist Alexander Borovlev presented a web-cartography with review of possible satellite images sources. Tekhkarta ltd. representatives payed attention to the legal aspects of ERS data use. The lecture devoted to GIS and ERS use during preparation and carrying out of certification audits was conducted by Silver Taiga director and at the same time the Chairman of FSC Russia Coordination Council Yury Pautov.
It should be pointed out, that the theoretical part of the workshop was supported by the practical one. During the first day of the workshop Tekhkarta ltd. specialists Vasiliy Gerasimov, Elena Popova and Evgeniy Titov presented the examination results of Mondi Syktyvkar logging area, negative points revealed during the field investigation, actual problems and possible ways out.
It was important to show to the participants of the workshop that it is possible to avoid the most work mistakes on conditions that GIS-technologies are used during planning and withdrawal of timber cutting areas.
The most of the time during the workshop was devoted to the practical trainings. The participants told about their everyday problems and it was discussed how to solve these problems using GIS-technologies. Practical trainings were also devoted to some actual problems and possible ways out. Moreover, the participants of the workshop had an opportunity to work with GIS-programs using satellite images and they created GIS-layers.
The given workshop devoted to GIS-technologies was the first one for the forest managers. We are sure, that such workshops can be an effective platform for introduction of modern technologies in the forest management.
Valentina Semyаshkinа
Translated by Anastasia Popova