About Foundation

    Foundation for Sustainable Development «Silver Taiga» was founded in 2002 on the basis of Syktyvkar Branch of WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature). The main goal of the Foundation is the promotion of sustainable management of the forest landscapes and renewable natural resources in the Komi Republic and other regions of the Russian Federation.



    Silver Taiga Foundation launches a new subproject "Adaptation to climate change as part of the implementation of the Natural capital Protocol. Assessment of changes in carbon stocks for different forest management scenarios" which was approved by The Steering Committee of the project “High Conservation Value Forests”. It will contains recommendations for forest users on adaptation to climate changes.


    Local community of the Pozheg village in the Ust-Kulomsky district has decided not to burn tons of sheep wool anymore, but to start generate at least some income from it. A knitting studio should be created in the village.


    During the last meeting of Silver Taiga Coordination Council held on November, 21 the members of the Council satisfied the statement of Przemyslaw Majewski about his withdrawal from the Coordination Council.

    Pupils of the Koslan Secondary School support to preserve the salmon population

    2019 has been declared the International Year of Salmon by the community of scientists and ecologists. The Association of Interests “We” from the Usogorsk Children Activity Center responded to the call to highlight the need to preserve the salmon population.

    How to preserve biodiversity when planning and organizing forest management?

    It was discussed during the Republic-wide Final Foresters Meeting 2019, which took place on November 28 at the Syktyvkar Forest Institute. Director of the Foundation Yuriy Pautov and Forestry Coordinator Nikolay Shuktomov told about biodiversity conservation measures in timber harvesting.

    Mezen fishers are ready to share their experience with Vychegda fishers

    Nikolai Shilov, Model River Mezen project Coordinator of the Silver Taiga Foundation, has told about it at the Round Table “Rural Areas Development”. The discussion held in the village of Ust-Kulom on November 19, 2019 in the frame of the reporting and election conference of the Ust-Kulomsky office of the interregional social movement Komi Voityr (Komi People).


    Модельный лес «Прилузье»

    Создание в Прилузском районе Республики Коми действующей модели устойчивого управления лесами

    Модельная река «Мезень»

    Реки всегда играли значительную роль в ландшафте Республики Коми и в жизни её населения.

    Лесная деревня

    Интеграция сельской общины вокруг экономической стабилизации на основе устойчивого использования природных ресурсов

    Леса высокой природоохранной ценности (ЛВПЦ)

     Основная задача проекта – поиск и закрепление компромиссных решений по сохранению и устойчивому использованию девственных лесов в Республике Коми.

    Оценка долговременного воздействия лесозаготовок на водные ресурсы

    Оценка влияния леса на гидрологический цикл и речной сток – классическая задача экспериментальной и теоретической гидрологии.


    На лосеферме
    Следы пожаров на сосне
    14 June 2017 – The Silver Taiga Foundation for Sustainable Development was entered to the register of “non-profit organizations exercising functions of a foreign agent” by the Ministry of Justice of the Russian Federation

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